

Manual sliding door

Cold storage door series

Manual sliding door

This style is applies to the biggist size with storge door and convenient to pass .This jockey pulley can efficiently reduce rub and the hadle made throngh lever theory and gears connecting system make it much lighter and more convenient.Button plus chain-like off equipment can prevent person is being locked.The aluminium alloy frame makes it more solid and beautiful.

平陆县| 惠州市| 青岛市| 富阳市| 雷州市| 麟游县| 南华县| 丹巴县| 德江县| 祁阳县| 禄劝| 武定县| 寻甸| 东港市| 沧源| 酒泉市| 彭水| 新昌县| 南康市| 武川县| 若羌县| 赤壁市| 平远县| 岚皋县| 岐山县| 河北省| 公主岭市| 廉江市| 辉县市| 江永县| 成安县| 邢台市| 米林县| 淅川县| 伊宁县| 来安县| 务川| 沙湾县| 沙雅县| 牙克石市| 天全县|